
Search for courses listed in this bulletin. To find a semester course schedule (including instructors, meeting times and locations), go to

PS 437 Marijuana Politics and Public Policy 4 cr.
  • Offered: Contact department
  • Prerequisites: Completion of written English competency and junior or senior standing.

Overview of the history, culture and politics shaping to the formation and enforcement of public policies regulating marijuana possession, use and distribution.

PS 440 Race, Politics and Public Policy 4 cr.  (4-0-0)
  • Offered: Contact Department
  • Prerequisites: Junior standing.

This course examines racial politics in the U.S. as they impact select public policies such as criminal justice, social welfare, affirmative action, employment, voting rights and others.

PS 461 Politics of Healthcare Policy 4 cr.  (4-0-0)
  • Offered: Contact Department
  • Prerequisites: Junior standing.

This course examines the history and politics of the U.S. health care system focusing on the formation and current status of major federal health care laws such as the Hill-Burton Act, the Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid, and others.

PS 480 Media and Politics 4 cr.  (4-0-0)
  • Offered: Contact Department
  • Prerequisites: Junior standing.

This course examines the election process and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the coverage in the media. The course will also review the types and quality of information available about candidates, parties, and issues.


Cross-listed with BC 480 Media and Politics.

PS 490 Senior Seminar 2 cr.
  • Offered: Fall
  • Prerequisites: Senior standing, Political Science Department major or minor.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of political administration, legal concepts and theories.
PS 491 Internship in Public Policy or Law 2-12 cr.
  • Offered: On demand
  • Graded: S/U
  • Prerequisites: Junior standing or instructor’s permission.

Practical experience working in a national, state or local government office, public interest group, corporate office, or a public or private law office. Credit hours vary depending on the weekly time commitment.


Only eight credit hours may be applied toward a political science or public administration major, and only four credit hours may be applied toward those minors. Credit earned above these limits can count toward general elective credits.

PS 495 Special Problems in Political Science 1-4 cr.
  • Offered: On demand
  • Prerequisites: Junior standing or instructor's permission.
Individual or group study of a significant topic or problem in political science. The requirement of this course may be met by completing a course not ordinarily offered or through participation in seminars, colloquia, workshops, study abroad or directed reading.