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ED 548 Internship in Educational Administration 1-4 cr.
  • Graded: S/U
  • Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
Enrollment in this course provides a student of school administration or supervision the opportunity to gain experience in educational administration under the supervision of university faculty and practicing administrators. A student will be assigned to responsibilities and individuals according to the nature of his/her request.
ED 548A Internship in College Teaching 3 cr.
  • Graded: A/F

Students who are enrolled in ED 548A will be required to discuss potential college classroom teaching sites with their adviser or instructor for the course before proceeding with the finalized internship plan.  Following the discussion with the instructor, the student must then schedule a meeting with a practicing college instructor who will serve as the cooperating instructor for the Internship.  Following these meetings, the student will prepare an internship contract and submit it for approval to the cooperating instructor and university instructor.

ED 548B Internship in Higher Education 3 cr.
  • Graded: A/F

Students will be immersed in a practical experience in student affairs or other related area. The internship will allow the student to assume the responsibilities of a higher education professional and to work collaboratively with students and professional as it relates to higher education. This course is to be taken as a capstone experience at the end of the planned program and the internship site must be approved by the course instructor.

ED 550 Content and Pedagogy: Infants and Toddlers 4 cr.

Draws on the theories of the theories of and legal requirements for early childhood education and early intervention and their application on infant and toddler (0-3) care and education. Emphasizes socio-cultural and linguistic influences on pedagogical decision-making across the five strands of infant and toddler development.


ED 551 Child Development and Learning: Birth through Kindergarten 4 cr.

Focuses on the early development of children (birth through kindergarten) and the socio-cultural influences on development. Candidates will learn about children’s growth and development across five developmental domains: physical/motor/perceptual, cognitive, social/emotional, language and emergent literacy, and approaches to learning. Candidates will understand the implications of developmental delays and disabilities on learning.

ED 553 Content and Pedagogy: Preschool and Kindergarten 4 cr.
  • Prerequisites: ED 551, ED 554

Examining how social, cultural, and linguistic contexts influence curriculum development within the domains of language and emergent literacy, mathematics, social studies, science, creative arts, and physical/motor/perceptual development. Integrates the theories of early childhood teaching and learning and the legal requirements of special education to support whole-child instruction in preschool and kindergarten.

ED 554 Inclusive Learning Environments: Birth to Kindergarten 4 cr.

Focus on the application of developmental theories informing intervention service models for young children (birth to kindergarten) with special needs. Ethical guidelines and procedures for early childhood special education practices, including universal design and least restrictive environments, current national and state legislation requirements, and child and family-centered methods for intervention across disciplines.


ED 555 Collaboration in Early Childhood Environments 4 cr.

Focus on the philosophical, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of working with families and children in the home and early childhood settings. Family structure factors affecting development and learning from birth to kindergarten and strategies to initiate and maintain positive relationships and provide resources and support for families will be explored.

ED 556 Assessment in Early Childhood Environments 4 cr.

Designed to introduce students to formative and summative assessments for young children (birth to kindergarten). Observation and recording techniques for informal assessment to build classroom and family curriculum development. The processes used for special education eligibility for young children across all five developmental domains and methods to implement eligibility data.

ED 557 Internship and Seminar in Two Early Childhood Settings 6 cr.
  • Offered: Fall Winter Summer
  • Prerequisites: ED 550, 551, 553, 554, 555, 556

Students will participate in two internships working with children from birth to three and four to kindergarten. Candidates will assess, implement lessons, teach, and interact with caregivers and teachers in inclusive settings. During the seminar, students will plan lessons for inclusive settings to implement educational principles and theories with their application in diverse early childhood contexts. 


ED 557A Birth through Three Internship with Seminar 2 cr.  (2-0-0)
  • Offered: Fall Winter Summer
  • Graded: A/F
  • Prerequisites: ED 550, ED 551, ED 553, ED 554, ED 555, and ED 556

Students will participate in an internship working with children from birth to three. Candidates will assess, implement lessons, teach, and interact with caregivers and teachers in inclusive settings. During the seminar, students will plan lessons for inclusive settings to implement educational principles and theories with their application in diverse early childhood contexts.

ED 557B Preschool Internship with Seminar 2 cr.  (2-0-0)
  • Offered: Fall Winter Summer
  • Graded: A/F
  • Prerequisites: ED 550, ED 551, ED 553, ED 554, ED 555, and ED 556

Students will participate in an internship working with children from three to five. Candidates will assess, implement lessons, teach, and interact with caregivers and teachers in inclusive settings. During the seminar, students will plan lessons for inclusive settings to implement educational principles and theories with their application in diverse early childhood contexts.

ED 557C Kindergarten Internship with Seminar 2 cr.  (2-0-0)
  • Offered: Fall Winter Summer
  • Prerequisites: ED 550, ED 551, ED 553, ED 554, ED 555, and ED 556

Students will participate in an internship working with children in kindergarten. Candidates will assess, implement lessons, teach, and interact with caregivers and teachers in inclusive settings. During the seminar, students will plan lessons for inclusive settings to implement educational principles and theories with their application in diverse early childhood contexts.

ED 558 Teaching of Reading: Methods for Students with Learning Disabilities 4 cr.
  • Graded: A/F
  • Prerequisites: ED 500, ED 560, ED 561, ED 562, ED 571 or instructor permission

The early competency in the area of reading, including: language form, language reading, and language context, word recognition and comprehension will be fostered.  The focus on intervention and remediation to help in the development of essential reading skills and overall reading proficiency is also required.  In addition study skills methods to assist the K-12 student to retrieve critical information will be part of this course.

ED 560 Issues and Trends in Special Education 3 cr.
  • Graded: A/F

An examination and study into the etiology of disabilities will be a focus.  Assistive technology as a tool for success is incorporated.  The special education process from Student Study meetings through the IEP will also be studied.

ED 561 Collaboration in Special Education 2 cr.
  • Graded: A/F

A study into the techniques and strategies that are a crucial part of a special educator’s role regarding collaboration. Collaboration with primary stakeholders (parents, aides, general education teaches, administration and school/local community) is examined.  Issues in transition planning and coordination are incorporated.

ED 562 Introduction to Learning Disabilities 3 cr.
  • Graded: A/F

The utilization of research-based models, theories and philosophies for teaching students with learning disabilities is studied. A focus is the identification of learning disabilities including the etiology and characteristic of students with learning disabilities, issues related to LD theory, research and policy, socio-cultural, linguistic, and environmental factors influencing identification. In addition best practices, curriculum accommodations/modification and scaffolding in instruction to help manage the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students with learning disabilities will be examined.

ED 566 Classroom Management: Methods for Students with Learning Disabilities 3 cr.
  • Graded: A/F
  • Prerequisites: ED 500, ED 560, ED 561, ED 562, ED 571 or instructor permission

The examination of scientific principles of behavior, its development, control and change is studied. Emphasis will be placed on the techniques of management and modification of behavior in school settings, adapting and modification of general education curricula, pedagogical approaches, and learning environments for students with learning disabilities and/or behavioral challenges. Current state mandated plans for students with special needs who have behavior management issues will be addressed.

ED 567 Teaching of Math: Methods for Students with Learning Disabilities 3 cr.
  • Graded: A/F
  • Prerequisites: ED 500, ED 560, ED 561, ED 562, ED 571 or instructor permission

The integration of math intervention strategies with developmental factors associated with students with learning disabilities are focused on. Strategies to remediate math reasoning and calculation along with developing and enhancing study skills, reasoning, fluency, and problem solving are included.

ED 568A Internship for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities 3 cr.
  • Graded: S/U
  • Co-requisites: ED 569
  • Prerequisites: ED 558, ED 560, ED 561, ED 562, ED 566, ED 567, ED 571, ED 581, ED 587

The completion of a field placement (internship) for students seeking endorsement in special education (LD) is the focus.  A requirement of participation in both a clinical practice field placement (internship) and seminar is added. The student, under professional supervision, will demonstrate the following skills to teach students with learning disabilities in a classroom environment: assessing, teaching, and modifying curriculum and instruction. The application of MARSE standards will be incorporated throughout the practicum.

ED 569A Seminar in Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities 1 cr.
  • Graded: S/U
  • Co-requisites: ED 568
  • Prerequisites: ED 558, ED 560, ED 561, ED 562, ED 566, ED 567, ED 571, ED 581, ED 587

The seminar will focus on the application of previously learned strategies to utilize when teaching students with learning disabilities.  Collaborative models, data-driven curriculum planning and accountability of student progress (i.e., IEP) are infused within the course contents.  This course runs in conjunction with the practicum for the second portion of a semester.

ED 570 Foundations of Reading Instruction 4 cr.

A study of the reading process, examination of current approaches in reading instruction, individual and group evaluation techniques and instruments, and consideration of the professional literature as it relates to reading instruction.

ED 573 Organization and Supervision of Reading Programs 2 cr.

Various ways of organizing reading programs within a school building and/or school system; a consideration of assessment and evaluation of reading programs; selection of materials for reading instruction; and the role and responsibility of various school personnel.