NMU Grad Receives Griffiths Award

Friday 25, 2012

MARQUETTE, Mich.—Alexandra Fittante of Iron River is the winner of the 2012 Martha Griffiths Award, presented by the American Association of University Women Marquette Branch.

The award is named after “one of Michigan’s most influential women legislators in the last half of the 20th century.” Griffiths was known for her efforts related to the Civil Rights Act and for getting the Equal Rights Amendment to the House floor for a vote in 1970.

Fittante, who received $150 and a certificate, recently graduated from NMU with a double major in mathematics and physics. She was a member of the NMU Physics Club and participated in outreach activities at Sandy Knoll Elementary School in Marquette. In the summer of 2011, she attended a summer research program in astrophysics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Lucy Hough
Student Writer

Fittante is pictured with Dave Lucas, head of the