Media Advisory: UP Economic Challenge Saturday at NMU

Wednesday 11, 2015

Editors: The six U.P. teams were invited to campus for the U.P. Championship. So far two have indicated they can come. There may be a third. The remainder cannot make the trip.

MARQUETTE, Mich.—Of the 15 high school teams that qualified for the state finals of the Economic Challenge through an online preliminary competition, six are from the Upper Peninsula. Those six took part in the inaugural regional qualifier through the NMU Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (CEEE). They were invited to participate in a face-to-face competition at NMU on Saturday, March 14, vying to be crowned U.P. Champion and receive financial support for travel expenses to participate in the state finals in Novi later this month. Media are welcome to cover the event.

Team members will take quizzes from 10:30-12:30 p.m. The top two teams will advance to a quiz bowl-format competition from 2-3 p.m., answering 30 questions before a panel of judges to determine the winner. The events will be held in West Science 2904 (lecture hall B).

The Economic Challenge allows high school students to demonstrate their knowledge of a wide array of economic topics and includes regional, state and national competitions. 

The six U.P. teams that qualified for the state finals based on their online scores, along with their teacher-coaches, are: two teams representing Forest Park High School, Maryann Johnson; Mid-Peninsula School, Julianne Beauchamp; two teams from Sault St. Marie Area High School, Chad Folkersma; and Westwood High School, Ronalyn Arsenau.

For more information, contact the CEEE at 227-2220. 

Katelyn Durst
Student Writer