Hands at Piano

The NMU Piano Studio offers a wide-range of opportunities for students to further their piano studies. Whether you want to learn more advanced solo literature, play in a jazz combo, collaborate with other musicians in a chamber ensemble, perform with a pit orchestra, or learn how to teach piano students, you will find a home here! Dive into your weekly lessons with Dr. Camilli, and enjoy working with a talented group of students who will challenge you to think creatively and grow as a musician.


NMU Piano Studio Rehearsal

Study Piano Pedagogy and Connect with Students

Learn how to assist students to discover and express their musical ideas. Pedagogues are intrigued to find out how best to motivate and work with students to achieve their individual educational goals. Students in the NMU Piano Studio can explore piano pedagogy in a variety of settings!


Student Piano Playerh

Study Collaborative Piano and Become Part of Your Musical Community

NMU Piano Students are encouraged to partner with various communities: choirs, pianists and other instrumentalists, jazz combos, worship groups, pit orchestras, poets, symphonies, visual artists, symphonic bands, bands, libraries, etc. Collaborative pianists perform and dialogue with one or more musicians, artists, or any individual willing to create in partnership with the pianist. Repertoire coaching is also a possible role (depending on the setting).

Dr. Theresa Camilli

Dr. Camilli teaches individual piano lessons, class piano, piano pedagogy, performs as a collaborative pianist and coordinates collaborative piano at NMU. She completed her PhD (Music Education, Emphasis in Piano Pedagogy) at the University of Oklahoma.  Prior to her doctoral studies, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Therapy from Loyola University in New Orleans. She completed her Master’s degree in Music Therapy at the University of Iowa and has worked as a board-certified Music Therapist. Dr. Camilli has also held faculty positions at the University of South Carolina and Alverno College (teaching Applied Piano and Piano Pedagogy courses), and from 2010-2016 she was the Coordinator of Group Piano Curriculum and Graduate Piano Pedagogy at the University of Northern Iowa. 

Theresa Camilli Photo