Residence hall students may register to stay during any portion of Thanksgiving and/or spring break free of cost.  Residence halls close during the semester break.  Students who need to stay over the semester break must request special permission to stay.  You will need to explain your reasoning to stay and those approved will be charged a semester break housing rate.  Applications for all breaks will become available in the Housing Portal during the relevant semester.  Please watch your NMU email for notification that the applications have become active.

On-campus apartment residents are not required to register and are permitted to stay in their apartments during all three of these breaks for no charge.


Break Details

Students staying for any portion during Thanksgiving Break, or plan to return to their room prior to Sunday morning, must register online via the housing portal. Once you register (you will receive a confirmation email message), your NMU ID card will be activated for door access to your residence hall only. Lobby access will be determined by the hours it is staffed. Information about when to register will be provided by the residence hall staff at the appropriate time.

Only students who have registered to stay any part of or all of the break will be able to access the residence halls.  

  • Dining: Hours/options are limited during this break.

  • Routine Maintenance Inspections: All residence hall rooms that do not have a student registered to stay will be inspected by residence hall staff at the beginning of break.

  • Security:  Residents who are approved to stay for the break are expected to help with hall security by making sure the doors are secured when entering or leaving their building.

  • Guests: Guests, including students from other residence halls, are prohibited in the residence halls during the designated break period.

  • Residence Hall Staff: Residence Hall Staff will be available 24 hours a day. The name of the person on duty will be posted in your hall near your resident director's office and on the RA bulletin boards.

If semester break housing is needed, please complete the Request for Semester Break Housing application, which is available in the housing portal.  If approved, students will receive a confirmation email, their NMU ID card will be activated for residence hall door access, and the appropriate charge will be placed on the student account.  

Only students who have been approved to stay over break will be able to access their residence hall. 

  • Rates: Due to limited staffing during Semester Break, students need to sign up for one-week increments with rates corresponding to their assigned room type. In other words, students will be charged for the entire one-week block for which they sign up regardless of day of arrival and/or departure. Spooner and Spalding residents must also complete and submit the request form, but there is no additional charge.
  • Dining: Meal plans do not work during this time and dining options/times are limited when the university is open.
  • Routine Maintenance Inspections: All residence hall rooms that do not have someone registered to stay will be inspected by residence hall staff at the beginning of break.
  • Security:  Residents who are approved to stay for the break are expected to help with hall security by making sure the doors are secured when entering or leaving their building.  All exterior doors will be locked for the duration of breaks.
  • Guests: Guests, including students from other residence halls, are prohibited in the residence halls during the designated break period.
  • Residence Hall Staff: Residence Hall Staff will be available 24 hours a day. The name of the person on duty will be posted in your hall near your resident director's office and on the RA bulletin boards.
  • If you're no longer attending NMU:  Please let us know in writing (email at your earliest convenience.  You will need to make special arrangements 48 hours in advance to schedule a check-out time, obtain access to your building and gather your belongings. 

Students staying for any portion during Spring Break, or plan to return to their room prior to Sunday morning, must register by clicking Spring Break Housing Registration above. Once you register (you will receive a confirmation email message), your NMU ID card will be activated for door access to your residence hall only. Lobby access will be determined by the hours it is staffed. Information about when to register will be provided by the residence hall staff at the appropriate time.

Only students who have registered to stay any part of or all of the break will be able to access the residence halls.  

  • Dining: Hours/options are limited during this break.

  • Routine Maintenance Inspections: All residence hall rooms that do not have a student registered to stay will be inspected by residence hall staff at the beginning of break.

  • Security:  Residents who are approved to stay for the break are expected to help with hall security by making sure the doors are secured when entering or leaving their building.

  • Guests: Guests, including students from other residence halls, are prohibited in the residence halls during the designated break period.

  • Residence Hall Staff: Residence Hall Staff will be available 24 hours a day. The name of the person on duty will be posted in your hall near your resident director's office and on the RA bulletin boards.

For current students in the residence halls and the apartments who are planning to take classes in the fall, there is an option to stay in on-campus housing for the summer. 

Individuals who will not be students in the fall or who are not current students also have the option to apply for on-campus housing for the summer. However, these individuals would have to move out before August 1st.

Information about summer housing is typically announced in March. Applications will become available around this time, as well, and can be found online or at the building front desks.

  • Dining: Hours/options are limited during this break.

  • Location of summer housing: Summer housing will be available in the on-campus apartments, pending availability, as well as one residence hall (which hall is offering summer housing varies by year).

  • Residence Hall / Apartment Staff:  There will be staff staying over the summer to assist with concerns. They will have limited availability during the day and will be on duty overnight to help. The name and contact information for the person on duty will be posted in designated areas.

  • Cost: The cost of summer housing varies by year, please refer to the Rates and Resources page for more information.