students walking around fall fest on the first day of school
pick one, get involved. get rewarded. students vewing the the sunrise and walking in front of it. silhouette photo

Find Your One!

The Pick One promotion encourages NMU students to find at least ONE thing that connects them to the campus community to build their sense of belonging at NMU! Through Pick One you get involved, attend events, earn points and get rewarded with prizes. This is a great way to explore campus during the first six weeks of school, build connections, gain friendships and get access to endless opportunities.

How to Participate:  

  1. Download The Hub NMU app and login with your NMU credentials. 
  2. Explore events on The Hub (tagged Pick One).
  3. Scan the Pick One QR code at each event you attend to earn Pick One Points!
  4. The more points you earn, the more prizes you win!

Pick One is held during the FIRST SIX WEEKS of the fall semester. For 2024, the last day to participate is Monday, October 7. After this date the student who obtained the most points will be revealed and they will win the GRAND PRIZE... scroll down to view the prize.   

5 points nmu hat,10 points nmu crossbody bag, 15 points $25 towards NMU dining

Additional Prize Opportunities! 

  • Students who earn a minimum of 10 points will be entered into random prize drawings.
  • The student who earns the most points at the end of Pick One will win the grand prize! (Pick One ends on Monday, October 9, 2023)

Follow the Center for Student Enrichment on Instagram (@thehubnmu) to see photos of the Pick One prize bundles and the grand prize! 

nmu student skiing and announcing the grand prize which will be a ski package

How to scan pick one points

how to view pick one points

Check out different ways to Get Involved on campus below!

The Hub Wellness Category

The Hub Arts Category

The Hub Community Service Category

Hub Catagory: Honor Society


The Hub Catagory Radio X

The Hub Diversity Link


Academic/Professional Hub Link

The Hub Greek Life Link

Contact Information
